ambitions?? If you got told that you were going to die really soon like in the next month or so what would your ambition be to do before you do die? Mine would be to bungie jump out ov a helicopter over the grand canyon!
I wouldn't do fuck all. Cause i wouldn't want my mates or family to know as i would get loads of sympathy which i dont want i would just want to enjoy my time with my friends like i always have.
wot there is nothing in the whole world you would like to do? Even if you could do it without your friends and family knowing that you were going to die!!!!!!
Not really. Dont really want much from life. But ewan mcgregor said it perfectly in moulin rouge "the greastest lesson you could ever learn is to love and to be loved in return". Oh and i wanna do a 30, 000 ft freefall skydive
av done a 300 ft bungie jump before but not out of a helicopter over the grand canyon, it was on holiday last year from a crain thing over the sea
Id try and break into buckingham palace about an hour b4 i was due to die Just for a laugh and to see how far id get but untill then, if money wasnt a problem id go clubbing everynight in a diff country and eat in the nicest places and generally LIVE LIFE TO THE MAX
get my ass back to ireland and drink ,drink,drink......then on the day i was supposed to die, just body-board out into the atlantic never to return............................always wanted to be buried at sea,don't want folks cryin over my grave remember me not a stone