2 fish swimming along and one bangs into a block of concrete. So he turns round to his mate and says "DAM" Boom boom.... I'll get my coat...
I was bored but just done some quality CD Burning from the mass of Mp3's that ive downloaded since getting B/Band and can now safely say that me CD Rack is gonna be rammed to fuck - in fact may even need a new shelve Trance only it is
grrr, ive just got a new CD RW but my net connection is shit n it wont let me download grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:
On word : Broadband Since ive got it i nailed the downloads one weekend - from there ive now got about 50 Extra Sets/Albums from when i first started - i have to pay for it like but it dont matter as ive lost me old phone line in me room for the sake of it - old lines bills were too much anyways - id rather have decent Cd's than wopping bills ! Theres more too come too as i aint copied em all yet
wat happening about the middle of jan in promiss thats when i get back from the Falklands and am goin to promiss