Alt - Print Screen I've just got a new keyboard, but for some reason it won't copy anything when I alt+print screen... is there anything that I might not be doing right? I've installed the software + num lock, cap lock etc work fine... I need to screen dump an image out of a pdf cos I can't copy+paste it.. is there another way to do a screen dump? can anyone see any sticky keys i'm missing?
Some apps don't allow normal screen capture. Try something like:
it doesn't work with anything, even if i try to copy and paste this screen into paint.. that link doesn't work either
alt + print screen is for the active window, print screen's for the whole lot. scruf - the link doesn't work or the prog doesn't work? Have a look here for others. Some programs disable screen capturing by normal methods, if so try and get a full copy of acrobat and you should be able to dump the pdf as a jpeg. Another reason (can't remember whether this will apply or not) is that you can't screen capture anything utilising the video overlay, not sure if pdf readers use it or not.