Allie's Birthday Beers... I turn the big 20 two weeks tomorrow (21st), and after wondering what to do on the actual night, I contemplated hiring somewhere and playing a few rekids, but I can't really be arsed, so I decided the best option was probably to just go out and get pissed in town. Hopefully be at Basics on the Saturday before (18th), and it's the Twisted XMas party the day after, so a Newcastle pub crawl sounds the best. It's a Tuesday night though, so I wondered: 1. Is there anything to do on a Tuesday in town? 2. Anyone up for some beer consumption on this date? Allie
Enough Corona & Tequila to qualify for Mexican passports again Stu? Sounds like fun Nat > I knew that already
I duno who I'm goin to Basics with or anythin, it;s just an idea atm. Justin Long's on, he's kind of a mate and I haven't seen him since February. Plus I've never been to Basics and wanted to for ages, so would be a good time to go. You're definately coming out for my birthday tho
I know, cherry vodka Had a totally quiet weekend this weekend aswell..might go out 2nite so i feel better! Speak 2 Jon about goin to 2 basics! We were all talkin about it anyways werent we? :groovy:
Yeah exactly. I have told him, he's gona get back to me when his head's straight after this weekend. The lineups are pretty mediocre until the 18th anyway. Terry Francis played Sat just gone, and it's Dan Ghenacia next week, so if you lot are wanting to go to Basics, the 18th is the best time to do it anyway
so how are you always banging on about how good it is then?? as jon would say in a high pitched voice.... LIIIIIIIIIIIES i might go down in february.. need to tick fabric off the list first though...
justin long rocked it @stinkys the birthday weekend... isn't he from chicago tho? watch out for the flat eric style dancing as he dj's!
Yeah Justin's from Chi-Town. He's over here every few months though, he might as well be a Basics resident. He sort of is, to be honest. Very good DJ. Been doing it nearly as long as the BIG Chicago guys, but he's only just starting to get really big. He played Madhatters last Friday too.