allergies! i no im really allergic to sumthing...and ive finally worked out what. i thought it was my cat or dogs bcause it always got really bad whenever i went home for the weekend....then i realised ive had pets all my life and exema is not this bad all the time. and also, it went away ruffly over xmas...but then came back with avengence last week. last sunday i went out to the pub for a meal and i had those balls of mozzerella as a starter. i liked them and therefore the other night, i went and bought sum...i am not in agony after eationg them all last night...and it would tie in with getting ezcema really bad every time i come home cos every weekend im back we get a pizza! i thinks im allergic to mozzerella.
You may well be right cos alot of people who have Eczema are allergic to dairy products. I used to be allergic to some stuff but didn't know what and I couldn't get allergy tests so had to do trial and error!! Was a bit of a nightmare. If you think it's the mozarella then don't have any and see if your Eczema is improved
i'm allergic to ben shermin shirts, brings me out in a rash, naw seriously dairy products are bastards, im lactose intolerant, which is a bastard coz i love milkshakes, cheddar cheese and stuff like that, if i have some my tummy ain't in a good state
i cant hav any dairy products, i dout its only that particular typ ov cheese that makes ya ill, if its a cheese then its probz will be all cheeses and thingz with milk in! just that wen u hav had that 1 u hav had a bigger amount and so u reacted worse! hope ya get it sorted cos its a bitch, i know!!!!
allergies are a right pain in the ass, i used to love those cerials that had the nut clusters in em, then one time my gums went itchy and my mouth ended up swollen. Turned out i had take a disliking to pecan nuts, so i now have to avoid anything with them in it. Its a total pain coz i totally love raspberry roulade *or however u spell it* and its got pecan nuts all the way thru it Least you have a rough idea what it is you are alleric too, hope your eczema goes away!!
NO! I know its a bitch, try goin for a pizza wit u and karen!! especially when it takes an hour to cook and then they get it wrong anyway! ha!!