Allergies I must be one of the worlds most allergic people and its well fukkin annoying. As far as i know i am allergic to the following:- eggs any kind of nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts etc etc) sesame seeds / oil freshly cut grass pollen wool (tho i think ive got over that one) And the problem at the minute is i just ate a xmas pie half an hour ago and started feeling ill almost instantly. Checked the ingredients on the pack and there was bloody almonds and hazelnuts in it. My mouth is totally swollen, my stomach feels like shit and im almost certain im gonna yak in the next 20 mins. So while im waiting for that to happen i thought id write this and see if anyone else is allergic to lots of stuff or if im just a bit of a freak??
you think??? wait till kez gets on....a can see her compiling her list now for the not allergic to ANYTHING! mint
Shit, i knew there was some i forgot. Im allergic to basically every animal there is. Dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, the list could just go on and on and on.
hahaha, im not even guna start, but i can tell you now im allergic to way more things, choccie is the worst one tho
sum cheeses...normally the ones i like. sum milk. grass cats/dogs (we have both and im allergic to one saw dust sum of the lynx stuff apples orange peel ne washing powder bubble bath perfumed soaps erm...cant think of nemore atm....the hospital once did a patch test on me where they stick 50 diffent bubbles on ur back filled with diffent substances, and then they take it off a week later and which everones are red, ur allergic to. i was allergc to the stuff they stuc it on with.
hahahahaha, me too!!!! and i was allergic to most of the things too im allergic to soap and i have to use a special stuff being allergic is poo
They used That tape that they use in hospitals to stick mine on with, and when they took it off it was bright red and really itchy for days and they used little metal disks to put the different stuff in to stick on my back, i was allergic to the metal disks too. im allergic to most metals
yep!!! well miss biatch along with your other allergies u r allergic to the tape we stuck it on with!!!
i get hayfever but thats about it!!! i just don't like sumthings rather than being allergic to them!!! i get excema when winter is gonna b arriving...same place, same time of year!! very odd!!!
most certainly dad was happy tho, so just to spite him, i sat and ate all my chocolate and didnt give him even one bit, i regreted it the next day tho