airwave and mike ah!!!looking at mr marks last post these two are due to play this year!!both the knigs of trance!!wow!! just wait and see if mike actually turns up for once!!and as for airwave
i must say i thought he had well and truely had his day but he was mint at gg so he may be reverting back to his old days!! gielen is the daddy and i hope he'll be along soon!! that would be the best night at promise EVER!!
just got a few geilen live sets....pure class...better than the current tiesto stuff IMO.... but i aint seen tiesto live since......errrrr.....GC ages ago...
if tiesto only chooses to go back to his old stuff he will easy peasy be king again like!! *drools when remembering tiesto walk on at gc ressurection and play innocente as his first tune* even when he went to his slightly proggier phaze and played stuff like coatnoise, castle rock, and oh my god...cried to dream, they are all better than the techno he was playing lately. But at gg he did seem to be going back like!!yipee!! gielen is the king tho!!nuff said really!!
mr gielen appears top of my christmas list like!!dericks probably second!!gielen soon we all hope and then promise will be complete ey!! i think the secret to mike turning up is if you dont go lee!!cos whenever you've been there he aint shown, but if you not he does turn up!!! looks like its just you and whippy then son