Not really....... think of it this way...if the scumbags cant all go to the boat, then where else will they go?? You don't have to go to the boat if you don't like it
whats bad about it? if you dont go in the first place its not as if it'll make any differance to you whether its open or shut.
yes but i dj at the quayside and the charvs from the boat put so many people off the quayside, nothing worse than waitin for a taxi and a load of arsehole charvas walking across the bridge and starting trouble, as they do most nights
More or less every time i have been i have had a battle, i think NYD was just a fight with myself It dont really bother me the fact its kept its license, if your a bamp with nee ££ then your just gonna go there instead of getting pissed in the house / mates house - thats for that drink as much as u can thing they have. Promise on the Boat tho - winner
He is not a bad lad just a c*nt, he wont marry his long term partner & mother of his children due to fact he is going to get all the bars,clubs & houses when his ma + pa snuff it & doesent want to share it so she has changed her suname by deed poll to Quadrini