After Corvin An Mat? so long as the weather is gud, who fancies carryin on the maddnes down the beach on the saterday, just thought it might b gud idea just to carrie on gettin realy messy wiv loadsa beer an stuff, get a few ov dem chuck away barbies an a football. just an idea like........... who would b up 4 it?:chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill:
That sounds like a great idea! Not sure if Im up for it yet, definately a good idea though! NICE ONE!
c;mon peeps. theres gotta b a load more of ya's that would b up 4 this!!!!!!! get commpleately wankerd :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ get the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like a brill idea to me....... come on peeps.....surely there is more of u out there, who are up for it?..the beach i mean..
hmm... i could b tempted... see what my financial situation is b4 i promise anything! :chill: :groovy:
I think its a fukkin brilliant idea.....iam suprised most people havnt said yes....straight after promise we could go straight to the beach,it will be light.Or if not first thing in the morning...Come on people say yes
i most definitely wud! ....but i leave for france the second promise is over. looks like im takin my stash chill elsewhere
WAY AYE!! im up 4 that like and as ilive right next to the beach........... dependin on which one u go 2 i can then crawl home!! wahay