addicted.. help!!! then the 100 greatest online games link.. then... spear chucking.... ive been playing this bastard all afternoon in uni and i cant stop till i get on that leaderboard.. help. ive got 534.0.... not far enuf tho!
i have an addiction 2!!! mayb not as serious as martin's but still a nitemare all the same..........i'm addicted to them kinder bar things.........
the 1 where the ad had 'u can lick my ripples' said in it!!! if so's a lil bar with the milk choc from a kinder egg on the outside & the inside is the white kinder choccie!!! yummmmmmmmmmmy!!!!
I have many addictions, but no doubt my post will get edited AGAIN if i say! So i'll use this one: Sausage, bacon, egg and beefburger stotties with mustard, ketchup and black and white pepper!! God bless my local sandwich shop
nah, they are the one's off the ad - the best one's are the new ones i cant remember what they are called, but they rule.
That sounds rather tasty. Maybe minus the egg though, I'd stick some beans in instead. Not too much though, otherwise it'll go all sloppy.