adaigo for strings phynn mix oh yes the revamping is good between this and the dj danjo and stles mix two belters like cant wait to get me hands on this. when it kicks of it sounds total lush like.
another remake and a bad one at that. tiesto shouldnt have touched it, but in the end did a good job. the new remixes are all bad, and the only one worth mentioning would be the fred baker remix, but thats not even excellent. to remaking all these tracks, needs to stop.
the not meant to be remakes of ferrys do there just done to make tiesto money for the full release of his mix an nebula and magik music. no where near as good as ferrys but the aint that bad well thats my opinion mate.
its still all about the ferry mix, i havent heard anything which comes within 100 miles of that imvho
absolutly Turd only worth talking about is the Fred Baker remix! which is alrite, but what a cheek to call it 'Tiesto - Adagio for strings' Ferry remix:worship:
I agree that the Ferry mix is better but the tiesto mix is still class IMO....i remember first hearing it one of the best remakes ive heard 2bh ...The new mixes aint bad but arent anything special
Apart from the Original by Tiesto & Ferry Mix this is the second best mix. Worst mix which is still alrite is the Fred Baker Remix