cos its like rocky horse shit to find, and nobody wants it as they've all had a 'bad one' at some point due to the fact the world is a fucked up place with too many things in it to think about.
Glue was popular once aswell !!! but thats just fuckin horrible ... drowning death and passing out n shit .. no thanks !!
i dont like it at all only tried it twice and went funny off it both times, totally paranoid and a minging comedown afterwards.
I love it- altho had to resort to mushrooms lately cos they're so easy to get. they're well cheap too and just as much fun
scary... scary, scary horrible stuff! in my dads youth he said he would do 7 trips a night, just go crazy on the stuff... i had one.... and never again !
Never tried it tbh, wanted to for quite a while, but unsure now. Had mushroms a couple of times, but didn't really do anything
i still recommend it to anyone, cos some of the visuals are spectacular. it really shows what the human brain is capable of. however be very careful, i made sure i was in a familiar place with friendly faces, id hate to try it somewhere unknown.
Maybe one day I will, but wouldn't have a clue where to get it form, never hear of it kicking about these days tbh
Used to do it loads a few years ago Gave up after i woke up in a field on a holiday camp stark bollock naked never touched it again **** knows what happened that night lol
I really like acid- it was the first drug I ever did Mushrooms are class aswell- had so much fun a couple of weeks ago- excellent
you can get them in earthworks some sort of legal mushrooms... i,ve never bothered with acid but my sister loves it especailly when shes clubbing...rare as rocky horse shite tho
Ive never had it. Would probs like to, but my mind would just play nasty tricks on me and I'd see some scary stuff :cry2:
they must be fucking good then... @ cookee i would be worried bout bad trips aswell and if your already worried before you take it your already not in the right mood... i,ll probably take it one day tho cos i'm a
Cant really get much worse than sitting with your head down the toilet for two hours Think it'd probs last too long too. I'd need to drive and stuff