aceess databases and websites anyone know how to build a simple database and have a site interact with it, childsply i know but ive forgot how to do it, i havent used access in about 4 years
PHP and ASP.. Simply create a connection to the database and add or retrieve data from it.. Depends upon what you wanna do I suppose..
gonna make a site for a musician, have a form on it so bassists n shit can register their interest and have the form get emailed to him but the data fro the fields in the form to get added onto a database so he can check all at once whos registered their interest and what they play. dont worry i wont be getting paid for itt the site i can knock up without a hitch, its jsut shit like php databases which ive never touched on
Not just PHP or ASP, but you need to use SQL aswell. I would say to use ASP with Access as that's the common combination - PHP is typically associated with a MySQL database (the open source choice). There will be plenty of info on the net for connection scripts etc, and sample SQL code for manipulating the database.
cheers mate, doesnt have to be owt special, jsut a database which can capture some simple information entered into fields in a website saint
ASP connection example: set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection") = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};"_ & "SERVER=**this is an ip address or directory structure;"_ & "DATABASE=<dbname>;"_ & "UID=<userid>;PWD=<password>;" Personally not a fan at ALL of ASP after an awful second year project that had to be done in ASP/Access PHP is a much nicer language IMO. Easier to decipher and understand.
Its not that bad.. Here is a simple member subscription page i wrote about a year and a half ago.. It posts to itself to display a successful message - So basically it retrieves data at the beginning once it has posted. If ran for the first time it opens a connection to the database and then using SQL it adds the data to the necessary fields. I used a mixture of asp and access to do my final year project last year.. on a online cinema booking system with personalised seating options. Was a nightmare but worked out ok in the end.. I used an include file to host the connection string.. This was the actual string - Then I wanted to simply display the data so I used the following method. Sometimes its easier in dreamweaver to create recordsets.. these help with the data display side of things.. So I had 6 record sets called rs_scr1 - rs_scr6. I declared these at the beginning like so - Then called upon them when I needed the data, like so - While it probably looks confusing it is sometimes easier I'm actually in the middle of re-compiling the sites I done during college.. as I used a large amount of tables and to be perfectly honest its much more efficient and aesthetic to use css.. So use it if ya can
CSS all the way, learning that myself. Or at least i will be rather soon Don't forget about Master Pages either! On the code side, PHP syntax is so more natural than ASP (I hear ASP.NET is much better though). To be honest I just have sour grapes about the assignment. One minute it would work, then the page would be refreshed, and it would break! Perhaps it was a shitty server or something. Still managed 82% though I example of why PHP is nicer... ASP - response.write PHP - echo (or print)
anyone recommend a good book to learn css from, easy to follow n stuff, gonna learn css for the final project
Pretty much any of these I'm using this one at the mo.. but also have The Zen Garden Book which just mainly shows what can be achieved. Next purchase will be this one Also check out w3 schools for tutorials and check out these - Inspiration -