Access Form Question Its not often I ask, actually plead, for help regarding assignments but this has got my head mashed! I haven't done access in about 6 years and I'm falling on my face tryin to get used to it again.. Basically I have to create a library database, involving tables for books and customers. I've created the tables with a few dummy entries in them. In the books table I have a field called "loaned" which contains a check box. I then created forms to help simplify the input of data. I have then created a one to many relathionship between the tables. The thing I'm having trouble with is I am going to create a form that only views the books out on loan.. would I create a query and then link this to a form or use some sort of VB code to filter the records? Thanks for any help given.. I'm well stuck!
Sweet.. wasn't too sure how to do it.. I've downloaded like 4 variants of the access bible etc in pdf format and they haven't really helped.. If I load a query at the start will the information be loaded into a form or will a query list pop up?
depends how u wanna do it mate...u can have the query results returned into a dataset then just process that dataset. or u can load the results into a temporary table and just populate ur form from there. few ways of doin it - just whichever u find easiest i guess