Absinth Well... Absinth all over the shop last night Was extremely drunk but in a weird way...anyways when i finally got up2 bed... All i can describe my dreams as were completely fucked up... I dreamt stuff and then i thought i had done it...one which involved me telling my mum about everything i get up2 at the weekend...ie getting :spangled: :spangled: :spangled: Very very very weird drink... Anyone care to share their Absinth experiences? :cyber:
:clap: :clap: I wasnt ill really! I am very surprised... & we inialated 3 quarters of a bottle...u wanna see the fotos of our faces after the shots Then again i think my dreams made up for me not being ill at the time...*shudders*
get a large double shot, stir in a spoon full of sugar, light for s few seconds while stiring, put your hand over the glass to extinguish the flame then neck it. repeat 4 times to be almost tripping. we always do it b4 a promise!
yup.. killed me in freshers at uni.. didnt even make it to the bottom of the street.... woke up in bed with 'its all my fault' in uv paint on my chest... bastard flatmates!
it's a real weird drunk... i say it's close to acid as u can get... without being on acid. fooking bizarre - but great fun.
Mik(M-X) brought a bottle back from his holidays a few years back and didnt want to drink it. Me and my mate Monny shared the whole bottle and I decided to go for a smoke outside, I fell asleep and woke up five hours later in the garden unaware that I had been to sleep, I came back into the house and everyone was laughing at me coz I was totaly fucked, I went to look for my mate who shared the bottle and he was pants down on the crapper fast asleep It was an eventful evening to say the least.
im kicking myself i didnt bring any over from Prague - it was about 4 quid a bottle there... and 40 quid a bottle over here
i cant stand the smell of it anymore.. makes me feel ill straight away...bad crack when bambu warriors are knocking them back inches from ur nose!
Lol Jimmy! Yeah i was soo sleepy last night. It was weird Lol kid i knew you would have a mad story involving it
Lol yeah thats what i was saying! Not about the acid but that its a weird drunk. Like...i think its cos u drink loads to get drunk, but with this uve hardly drank that much so it feels weird...Dunno
Lol it is really weird stuff like! It was just weird this morning when i woke up and thought i had done & sed loads of stuff i didnt...i was like :spangled: ?!
I've only had it a couple of times since and that was about 3 years ago. Not really fond of the stuff now to be honest.
Nah...vodka I think u just sort of get carried away wiv it...and then before u realise ur totally fucked