Ableton Live 8 Many on here an ableton users?, cant believe 8 is out already, doesnt feel more than a month ago i got live 7. Ive now got 4 5 6 & 7, then 8 soon. Pricey Live 8 looks alot better than live 7 i'll say that, layout etc is all the same but has alot of extras. [yt]9P9VeExAjkU[/yt]
they just closed the beta session last night so it shouldnt be long for the full release - i was helping for a while but towards the end they were releasing a new beta every bloody day and i got sick lol
I've started tinkering about with 7, I found it hard to get into originally but I'm slowly getting there. I like the look of the akai controller - might get one if I end up with some spare coin...
FINALLY! its taken all fookin night to download this bitch, the servers must be gettin raped to death lol currently installing live 8.0.1 suite, box in the post
Haha a timed this tread rite like!, a dunna if a shud get 8 am fine with 7, might wait a while as av just spent ages putting my track into arrangement view lol
Fuck it lol, i'll order it while av the money, just moved into my new house tonight so, it's either live 8 or another 50 fucking buckets of paint.
managed to find time for a couple of hours worth of playing last night. got to say i'm well impressed with the new release. i think i'm going to take the external vst's (that i *ahem* borrowed) out now and run solely with live. the new master channel bits are a welcome addition, i did a side by side and managed to get this with a tiny bit of tweaking to the stock presets the track is shit and sounds like the countdown theme but the instruments are nice
Instruments r nice like, am still debating whether or not to get it now , so all in all u think it's alot better than 7 ?
ana rossy... live 9 will be out by september. Abletons deffos the best out the lot i think, n if it wasnt it is now. Im just glad i started using that instead of any the others. Dont get me wrong the others are pretty good to, but this does it for me
a canit even addon as av no product key for live 7 Busy hooking up my Oxygen 8v2 again to ableton, it's havin none of it like.
looking good im still with live 6, carn't wait for this it to come out... anyone know if you can get two installs off it? would be good to go halfers with someone.
its out, you can buy it now, shaun. you should be able to get a good discount if you have a product key from a previous version. it was only going to cost me 50Euro to go from 7 to live 8. you can get 2 installs off it. you can request a third, but i think you would have to keep them all off the net at the same time - you couldn't be on 2 or 3 different computers at the same time from different I.P address' so they might catch you that way. i've installed the entire suite today. its 48 gig. i wish i had more time to faff on with it, i keep getting sucked in then have to stop to get on with other stuff lol
I've found my product key, in preferences, but... it's a torrent copy so im guessing the key wont work, n am scared to enter it case they catch on
so when you said are you saying it would have been pricey if you actually paid for them, or the monthly broadband bill is quite high? and why keep any of the older ones if you have 7?