about this web site. (this story was dynamically generated using a generic 'template' and is not factual. Any reference to specific individuals has been 100% fabricated by web site visitors who have created fake stories by entering a name into a blank 'non-specific' template for the purpose of entertainment. For sub-domain info and additional use restrictions: FakeAWish.com)
aye, i saw this the other day tho: http://chris.hutchinson.mediafetcher.com/news/top_stories/worldrecord.php "When asked what his next world record achievement would be, Chris Hutchinson said "my immediate goal is to get a bag of ice and some lotion on my penis to soothe the burning". "
Not another 1 of these tiesto all over again. Wudnt surprize me if sum1 else big does kick the bucket as every fucker seems to be droppin off this month.