A Strange Virgin Remote Problem it's a bizarre one this, and i'm clutching at straws by posting it here, but i'm hoping somebody will have a solution that will save me paying the tenner for a new remote from branson's crew. i have a virgin digital box in my bedroom (not v+), and the remote ceases all communication with the box after about 9pm at night until the early hours of the morning. the remote seems to work fine as the buttons on it light up when you press them, and the volume control works through the television, but it just won't change channel or anything. before anyone says it, i tried changing the batteries, which did nothing. it works fine during the day and then just stops at night. i've also tried unplugging the digibox and restarting it a few times, but it still makes no difference. anyone got any ideas, or am i a tenner down?
Is it not some kind of child lock your mam has put on to stop you watching the Frankie Vaugn at night? Seriously though, we have to put in a code to watch certain stuff off catch up tv before 9 so it might be something along those lines.
nah it's only the movie channels that hald pin numbers on them and that works fine when the remote does. it just decides to stop working. it usually starts again after about 1am!
some one in your street may have a video sender so they can watch stuff from the living room in their bedroom etc without any cables and the signal may be interfering with your virmin remote, ive read stories about them stopping people getting into their cars as the signal jams the key fobs etc , same with electric garage door remotes etc !!
old remote? remember mine playing up and was just 'cos it was the old one. but it sounds like the box or some setting on it.
i live in a cul-de-sac which contains sixteen houses, the average age of each being about sixty-five. a valid point, but they had better not be doing that, the cunts. may just be that it's an old remote. i remember having to buy a new one not that long ago, although i can't remember how long ago that was. bollocks, i'll give them a ring tomorrow.