A Sock Is anyone interested in investing in a white 80% cotton 20% polyester Nike sock fresh from the bottom of my washing basket? Bidding starts at £0.20
Quite possibly mate! I could jam it in a jiffy bag quicker than a fat lass running to greggs for her bait!
This is what I been waiting for..... the other half to an odd one I've kept from 1998!!!! Always knew they'd be a pair again!
It's a auto-configurable super sock made from high quality elasto-cotton, molds to what ever foot you put it on.
Are there any holes in it? If there are.... would i be right in thinking this 'sock' u mention could be auto configured into a balaclava?
I never thought of that marra, i suppose it could be. I cant imagine what an auto configured balaclava would look like. If that was the case what else could it be automatically configured in to? I wonder...:think:
Due to an unprecidented amount of interest in 'The Sock' i have no choice but to raise the price to £14,329. It's pretty obvious that this auto-sock can work wonders.