A nice post With all the nastyness on the board recently i thought i would put up a nice friendly post. So how is everyone today? I've had a great day. Only worked till 2:30 then i have done a few hours sun bathing. And i just want to add that i am really excited about promise this friday as i haven't been for age's and recently i have been going to a lot of hard house nights and it will be nice to get some trancy vibes flowing through me again. Now all i want is for peeps to tell me what ya been upto and why today has been a good day or if it hasn't what would cheer you up. P.L.U.R. Damocles
haha, nice one banana man...... aye, today's been ok..... still wee bit tired off the weekend, but its been sunny and warm, which is always good in my books, work was ok, got finished about an hour ago so just chilling and doing some shit before I go out for a few beers with a mate later on 7/10 for a tuesday..... i've had much worse ones than this PLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
i had a pretty good day today, the sun shining thro the window while i been busy, but stupid me was supposed to go to doctors and i missed my appointment, doh! looking forward for tonight now!!
im happy cos i hav just been told off jig that he can get a month off so we can go on out hols... yehhhhhhhhhhhhh and its sunny! im rather hyper, shud calm down realy! infact im so happy im gonna give every1 a big kiss mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well av had an alright day... just a bit tired coz av been loading an AR-Tic lorry for about 6 hours and the sweats been pissin off me.But am excited for friday though..Cum on.
Hallo! My day has been ok too! Been fairly hot like. Me & Cogan have been to Catmanpoo looking at some cyber gear. Saw Akira & Jewelz getting some new stuff aswell. Cogan bought a new top but unfortunately I couldn't afford anything! All is well though as I'm going back tomorrow with djtino & will just have to lend some cash till I get paid! Roll on Friday!
Ahhhh aint that nice of ya mate Heheh....nahh everyone should be nice to each other beacuse... BEING NICE IS...............NICE
Awwww! can feel the love already. My day has been alright. Haven't done much but, then again, I'm a lazy arsed student and that's my role in life!
i have had a fairy nice day i guess. my kid bougt me an icecream. i got my medication so i dont go insane. my sis said i can borrow her hotpants for friday. i found out kids rents are away from friday and mine are away from saterday....which means no1 can stop us bieng together this weekend!!! i have a glass of wine. (real wine....not lambrini...this had a cork in it!) yeah...nice day.
my days been ok, started at 8:30am when i got up early to give my mam her birthday prezzies, daniel came over to see me at about 10, we chilled for a bit, watched some TV, i cooked us veggie biurgers, it was fun. then when we were on our way to my work (he was giving me a lift) right near work the clutch cable on his car snapped. we had to push it round the courner and wait for the recovery truck, which took nearly 2 hrs, but that was ok, coz it meant i had 2 hrs off work and got to spend 2 extra hrs with him. went to work, it was totally dead, only 2 flights all night, came home, and that brings me to now, when im typing this, so not really a bad day, but i s'pose ive had better