A New Dictionary This is the best dictionary eva. For example: egg salad "'eg 'sa-l&d" A sebaceous secretion, especially the cheesy secretion that collects under the prepuce or around the clitoris. Specifically: (a) The soapy substance covering the skin of newborn infants. (b) The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin. thangdo "Thangdo" It's when ya belly hangs out father than ya thang do. Thang- penis Its when your belly goes out father than your penis magwafta "ma-gwa-f-ta" a females vagina eh kents hows your magwafta hairy milk dud "as seen" When you smear you hairy greasy ass cheeks against a window with your cheeks spread to reveal your slimy hole. Hey there's you dad, show'em your hairy milk dud. rusty sheriff's badge sphincter get out of my face or you'll get a taste of my boot on your rusty sheriff's badge Here's the link if you wanna check out the rest of the dictionary: http://www.urbandictionary.com/
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