A little help yeah people.. Well sometime last week whilst reading the board I was suddenly faced with a blue screen. I've seen it before only this time, at the bottom, it said writing files to physical disk and started counting up to an unknown amount so I pressed the reset button on my computer when it got to 10. Whether this was a bad idea i dunno but atm I cant use my hdd with Winxp on it. It gets through the usual booting etc and gets to the 'loading windows xp' screen then goes off and restarts again. I'd usually solve this by formatting and reinstalling xp. However i have holiday photos stored on both drives so I'd really like to get stuff back. atm i'm iusing an 800mb drive with win98 on it Any help appreciated here as to how i can get my holiday photos back. I'm planning on taking both hdd's to my auntie's house and (attempting) to view the files from my computer on her windows xp hdd. Not too sure if this will work on the main hdd but i hope so. Also, I've used the 'repair windows xp' feature before but i cant remember if it formats the hdd or keeps the files stored for you to keep on using. Anyone know? This would be a great time saver. Cheers. ps. Anyone who wants to donate a hdd or even a new pc will be my new best buddy
What do you mean? What instructions? I've tried safe mode etc etc but its not going to start. I'm resigned to the fact that I'm probabyl not going to get this working again unless i either fix xp or reinstall it. I just want to get my photos back beforehand if possible. Did you use the 'repair windows xp' function or are you talking about something else? (this is on the cd etc) Did you use windows update before geting the problem? I've had this before aswell but without the blue screen and that was after updating the smaller updates after applying the sp2. I think it started in safe mode though otherwise i must've formatted/repaired it.
The repair option should not format your drive - all it does is replace key OS files. You're right about plugging the drive into another PC - the contents should come up, although you may need to assign the drive a letter (some machines don't do it automatically.) To do this, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Manage". Go down to "Disk Management" at the bottom. Right click on the drive you have added and click "Change Drive Letter / Paths".
Cheers m8, always nice to know i'm not the one who knows most about pc's. Or we'd all be fewked I dunno if i want to risk the repair option. It's one of those things you've done a load of times but everytime you come to do it again you ask yourself the same question. In this case, it's 'does it format/delete stuff?'. My memory needs fixing too by the looks of things. You pretty sure it doesnt get the mop out m8?
I'm sure. I used it on my laptop this morning It only gets the mop out if you install a fresh copy - you can get it to install two on the same drive without wiping it but it tends to winge like a bitch about doing it. Just go through the automated repair process and you should be onto a winner.
Pretty much every problem I've had with XP has been fixed using one thing... Recovery console > chkdsk /r Champion.. gr8 stuff
welwas to do this today but it turns out there was no current install of XP on the hdd. And when i put the cd in etc it showed one partition of 40gb with 40gb free. AKA my blank hdd Somehow that blue screen wiped my hdd. Definately shit.