9pm 2nite BBC3 BBC 3 at 9pm tonight my friends brother is on freaky eaters If you miss the broadcast you can watch it from this link for 1 week after the broadcast. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b009hmmc
Re: 9pm 2nite BBC3 Your friends brother you say.....is that the pink gay hippos bro or the gobshite with the zip mouth bra?
if i knew her i'd have her life there was a part in the programme where she was filmed trying to eat a sunday dinner with some loving family members who obviously wanted her to kick the habit. she stuck her fork in the mashed tatey then burst into tears. the best bit was, all of her family members gathered round to comfort her, some very concerned telling her "its okay darling, we know its hard"........ FOR FUCK SAKE, SHE WAS ADDICTED TO SAUSAGES NOT CRYSTAL METH