8 ounces of... I'm living in the back of beyond in india at the moment and ive just had an email from my mum saying the charity i'm working for is coming over to visit me and that she can send with them a parcel weighing up to 8 ounces. I havn't got any flaming scales so will you all weigh your home comforts and tell me what the best thing is that i can get for 8 ounces i dont like chocolate and drugs won't get through customs many thanks x
think of sumthing u really miss & ask 4 that........just get it weighed b4 ya mam sends it over with them.....
8 ounces worth of terbs would be quite a lot ;-) That's terbs for smerkin btw. But then they're probably cheap as f. in India innit. 8 ounces of midget gems? 3 or 4 CDs in normal cases.... Charlotte Church's larynx
helz u'd b better off getting 8 oz millions (raspberry or strawberry or both!!!) cos u'll get more than what u wud if u got midget gems!!
the skunk u get in india blows your head off! trust me why send it from over here, when the stuff u get over there is far better and cheaper?
i said no drugs you unimaginative lot!!!!!!!! some one weigh a can of beer for me purrrleeease and a bottle of wine