51st state Just downloaded and watched the The 51st State and it was class!!! Had feeling the quote from Lee Haslam, Music is the Drug was in it!!! Does anyone know the big club that one of the scenes was held in:spangled:
watched that last thursday night, very good film, funny too!!! "My product is 51 times stronger than cocaine, 51 times more halucinagenic than acid and 51 times more explosive than extacy.....its like getting a personal visit, from GOD" TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
It is a bit good like!!! probs one of my fav tunes at them min oh and Dave Holmes, Devotion (stimulant djs remix):groovy:!!!
Total fucking tune! I have a Resonate poster signed by Lee Haslam! Just listenin to Music is The Drug now I went crazy when Kerry played it at Promise Bouncin round like the nutta i can be sometimes (but not very often of course) :groovy:
music is the drug - tune!!!.... u might also like to know that , the same sample and a few mroe from 51st state are used in another tune... speakerfreaks - POS 51 me's got it on vinyl!!!
auz when were u in kavos? my gf saw rob T in kavos this summer! did he shout can u dig it over the mike when he played it? and played kinda outside for a bit then inside?
Erm ... I was there for a week at the beginning of August, think it was the 2nd till the 9th. It was the same nite that sonique was on !!! I cant remember him shouting anything over the mike, it was in Limelight
hehe, i turned up just as she was finishing her set, but then she started wailing ..... oh dear it sounded sooooo bad !