4 Strings - Believe Album Downloaded it before just out of curiousity and im pretty disapointed. Apart from into the night its all pretty much Galaxy-Style fanny trance. Only other decent tune is fly away. (Not take me away!)
Thought so, I think I might have it tbh. I got mixed up, I only bought the one-sided Caost to Coast mix of into the night which was by far the best mix!
The coast to coast one had no vocal and I bought it about a year before it got a full release. I played it for a while. Nice tune. I just said hello to your mate before!
well, he IS tall, not just in comparison to you, but compared to most people is it westenders night 2nite?? hope so.....
4 Strings - Diving So many memories from that tune and i doubt i would ever ever get sick of hearing it