3rd Birthday wi Fergie 25/04 some one straighten me out here, if Fergi hosts his show on Radio 1 on friday nights from 11pm-1am, but he's also at Our beloved Promise for the 3rd Birthday, 10pm-4am - when is his set going to be? either way he's got 1 hour to get from London to Newcastle... or am i mising the obvious?
i pressume it's pre-recorded... would be class if it was live, but it doesn't mention it on the listings page - whereas Dangerous Dave Pearce's doe ssay 'Live on Radio 1' ... must be me being naieve, didn't know it was pre-recored. makes sense.
nah jules' show is live on saturdays i think. if not it would be easy to do, just have jules saying here's the scroes, then some one reads out the scores live.
pre-recorded and live soud bites... They pre-record the bulk of the show earlier in the day. But the technology exists to have phone ins, live feeds and 'up to the minute' comments added 'in real time' by engineers out in the field with the DJ or presenter. Lee
Re: 3rd Birthday wi Fergie 25/04 Last time I was at Code for Gods Kitchen, Fergie was playing 11-1am LIVE ON RADIO 1. So that way, he could play both Gods and his radio show at the same time. Fergie even had the "Live on Radio 1" jingles playing inside Gods. No way it was pre-recorded. Is this not the case here? Is he not playing a live set? Seems the logical answer... :spangled: