360 or PS3? That is the question. After a 2 year break I'm considering breaking back into the Console market (because I have nothing else to ask for for Xmas). Is it worth waiting for a Ps3?
it'll be expensive waiting for a PS3 BUT it will be the better console AND you'll have a blu-ray player. good for your HD telly. if u have 1. but this is the ultimate question at the moment... both sides have good arguements then, don't forget the nintendoers and their "wii" s
they are for kids.. I have a nice daewoo flat/widescreen telly but i'm not sure if it's HD - i thought it was but we threw the box out at xmas. i'm not fussed about HD though, the games look good enough anyway. graphically they'll be the same now won't they?
PS3 will have more potential - once game publishers get up to speed for writing games for the newer generation of consoles
i can't decide, i have a 360, so probs just get both when the ps3 comes down a bit. cause i need a hd dvd player.
to be honest... Im guna stick with my 360...The line up of games in the coming months is so much better than the ps3... Pretty much every game is just a remake but with better graphics... fuck ps3
I've heard a few bad things about the PS3.. in fact I have the review right here Tbh.. the 360 is probably what I would go for.. Although.. my PC thrashes them both
If you are unbiased, and not retarded... then you will go for the 360. Its here now.. with great games and you dont have to wait until AT LEAST march until you get your hands on one. The PS3 isnt the be all and end all. Read up on it, do some research, its only retarded fanboys who are convinced its far superior to the xbox. developers prefer programming for the xbox as its cpu architecture isnt hard to program for. The ps3 looks nice, and yeah its gonna be a success.. infact ill probably get one in the end.. but my christmas list is for a 360, its online structure is far superior, the games are becoming very polished. Its not nearly £500, there is a HDdvd player for it, should you need HD movies.. Its equally good, and its here now. So dont wait matey See you on gears of war after christmas
while i agree with some of your comments i wouldn't start saying you know what the ps3 is like till you experienced it for yourself. Also there is big problems with the 360 and the so called hd dvd, the 360 will never have a hdmi port installed on it. So its kinda pointless getting the hd dvd player, cause a lot of tv now only have hdmi and dvi-d, so you can't connect them up.
here is an interesting article regarding the HDDVD player on the 360 and the Bluray on the PS3 http://www.highdefdigest.com/feature_ps3vsxbox360addon.html
yeah it is pretty interesting like, seems both have there drawbacks, and you can see now why the ps3 costs so much
i love it when the pro-sony and pro-microsoft briggades come out with their handbags.... the PS3 will have the exact same line up of games and people will be looking for something new by the time it comes out. "ooo xbox 360" has the early foot hold - so? PS2 has it the same when the original xbox came out - but it still became as popular as the PS2 despite being so behind. u seriously think the developers WONT write stuff for the PS3 because they don't like it? i'd say i'm probably pro sony - only because xboxers are just like firefox users - they feel the need to constantly berate the opposition will i buy 1? will i fuck. better things to spend my money on.
that article brings up a very valid point, the people who want to use hide dvds need an addon which brings the cost inline with the ps3. so for people whoa re after an all in one the ps3 seems more logical as you dont need all these addons attached and you get better quality aswell. its all swings and roundabouts
I stopped playing consoles about 5 year ago for some reason. Up until i was about 17 I was never off computer games, but I just can't be arsed with them now, they take up too much time. However, if I had to choose it would be the PS3.
..and Nintendo's are fucking shit! When people had the NES and SNES I had the SEGA master system and megadrive which were much better imo. The only decent game for the snes was mario cart. Then we have the Nintendo 64 and the game cube, but I don't think I'll get started on them fuckers. My consoles through the ages were; Commodore 64 Amstrad SEGA master system SEGA megadrive Sony playstation This is when I gave up but me little brother seems to get every console going. PS2 Xbox Game cube He's getting an X360 and the PS3 (when it comes out)