360 or ps3 which is better? going off this video, the xbox graphics are slightly better imo, bit worrying for sony i would say. right click save as
Just had my first spell on my mates xbox360, pretty impressive and he hasnt even got a HD tv. Been playing on Gears of War, Rainbow 6 Vegas and Project Gotham. All class games will probs get one myself when the price comes down (after xmas) and I can afford an HD tv (probs about 2012 due to current rates of skintness).
id say ps3 was slightly better, the wii looks shat but its to be expected considering its size and cost
xbox and ps3 almost neck and neck with xbox grasping the dark/dingeyness of the atmosphere better.. maybe because the brightness was too high on ps3. i can't see any deal breakers for going with ps3.. all the major game developers are fully recognising the xbox platform for creating games on and there's more users to sell to which is effectively everybody's ultimate goal. ps3 will probably come out of it's shell properly in 2008 or later when they've fixed firmware issues and became more accepted by developers.
Not really enough difference between the two to make a difference. whichever has the best games come next christmas might get my buy
the 360 has had a year to establish itself. it happens with them all, the first set of games arent that graphically spectacular but get alot better as time goes on
The 360 is not true HD thou, it just upscales and the ps3 has so much more capability than the 360 just wait till both consoles have been out a while and see the ps3 and its power
a recent update on xbox live has made the 360 native HD. it's always been intended, but they kept it back till they were sure they had it right (apparently). as for comparing the two, In terms of hardware grunt there really isnt that much between them, the main thing i expect to see from ps3 once they have grasped it is flawless physics engines, as everything i have read boils down to it's superior number crunching. as it currently stands graphically i've seen nothing to show it off that much, they have a ps3 in maughan micros window in the metro centre, it's been running fight night and resistance: fall of man - and as i have 360 fight night i can pretty confidently say if there is a difference, its barely noticable (i thought the hair may have looked better, but then i also figured i was watching the ps3 on a quality HD screen as opposed to my aging telly...) for me it was all about price, i could afford a low end 360 and add the extras (getting the HD for xmas off wor lass ), no way could i afford ps3. i should get my box back from microsoft soonish, lookin forward to it gears of war