360 Live Anyone on here signed up with 360 Live? (Brid maybe?) If so what gear/router/thingy majiggies are yous using and what internet connection yous got? Just after a bit of information as considering this for near future. Thanks
Ive got it. Ive got adsl with a wireless linksys adsl2 router, but the xbox360 is plugged into it using a cable though. Its an absolute piece of cake to use really (as long as you use a router).
Nice one cheers. What do you make of the following: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos...10/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i10_xgl/203-1656155-7739969 Got some cash to burn, do you reckon its worth it? Really looking forward to getting live, FIFA is boring on my lonesome