360 HD Trickery My TV is a TFT Flatscreen with loads of connectivity on the back panel including a linkup to use as a PC Monitor, but no HDMI interface. With these ports are there any connectors which can give HD-ness using, say, a PC monitor connector? I've ran this telly as my monitor before in "high definition" 1024x786 resolution and it looked brilliant. The TV is only 1 year old. Notice where the power lead is going in a "component" panel with PC connectivity..
your menna be able to get HD from the component sockets on the teles from an xbox component cable http://www.ciao.co.uk/Microsoft_Official_Xbox_360_Component_High_Definition_HD_AV_Cable__6554717
http://audiovisual.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/sbs/100311823/14659510.html HD Ready according to that so yes. Has progressive scan aswell.