300 since everyone's talking about older films - i just watched this for the first time last night. Immense, originally i put it on to fall asleep too, but it had me awake till the very end. love the gore and the sheer awe of the settings
Probably my favourite film from the year it was released. Gonna be getting it on Blu-ray very soon.. can't wait! Thinking about it makes me get excited about the prospect of The Watchmen
homoerotic nonsense although Im not surprised you like it considering some of your posts about muscles
:camp: Thought it was a cracking film, only watched it a couple of weeks ago for the 1st time. Didnt realise the woman that plays the Queen is Sarah Connor in the Terminator series. The way its filmed is absolutely amazing.
I loved it, both as a film and from a technical point of view. Gerard Butler as Leonidas - Never has there been a better piece of casting in the last few years.