2nd Jobs Anyone got one? What is it? I'm thinking of getting a second one to pay off my loan, but not sure what. I used to deliever pizzas and it was canny good money, tax free aswell, but my Mam doesn't want me using the car for it anymore. A tax free one would be better, but anyone got any ideas?
get a moped and deliver pizzas dont u get taxed more on 2nd jobs but a short list here milkman on the sly paperboy/man leaflitter theif
I'd never get a mpoed like haha, I'd get bricked in Jarra! Yeah you get taxed loads on them, it's a fucking disgrace, that's why I'm asking about untaxing jobs!
it depends on how much you get paid. if the second job is earning under £9,000 a year then it's hardly anything. Bext give the tax office a call or take a look on the website.
whats youre first job? cant you get a better paid job in the first place? or work overtime or something.
Yep. Because you use all of your tax allowance up in your first job. I earn £100 ish a fortnight from my 2nd job and get taxed around £30/£40.
Shutter Engineer. I work all the overtime there is, but there's not much on. I want to work weekend night's or something really, so it's not only making money, but saving money from going out aswell
Aren't all jobs 25% tax anyway? At least if you earn upward of about £8k, and less than £25k, you should be paying 25% already, surely?
the tax you pay on any job (legally) will be at, and above the rate of tax your already on. So, if your paying 25-30 percent tax right now on the upper portion of your earnings - then any second job will be taxed at the rate your at now, until your TOTAL earnings go into another tax band (if they do) and then any earnings within that band are charged at that. Basically thats a confusing way of saying that you need to lump all your earnings together no matter how many jobs your working - and be aware that certain portions of your total earnings will be charged at certain rates. actually paying the tax is difficult since most jobs who do all your tax and national insurance dont know about second jobs and the like - and i doubt you want to pay for an accountant. So i'd get cash in hand jobs if i were you (although i never recommended that )
it costs a fortune to become one have to pay more in insurance and buy a plate or ideally know someone you could drive for
I didn't ever have a problem with it when I had a second (and third) job. The second job usually knows about your full time one, and so can tax accordingly. Though I often ended up getting some of that tax back from Inland Revenue. I would go with bar work - at one point I had a full time day job and two bar jobs. It's great if you get somewhere good to work, with nice clientele. Don't go for somewhere quiet though, it gets really boring.