28 days later.... how mint is all the stoof on the website... check out the 'can u find anyone alive' part... and turn it up. www.28dayslaterthemovie.com
its in the media section.. top right on the 1st page... and the additional flash animation movie is amazing as well.. top website...
You'll have to let me know what its like cause I fancied going to see it till Johnathan Ross slagged it off on the movie show.
Yeah I thought the same but I'd prefer to hear a few peoples opinions first. Aslong as theres good special FX, good story line and loads of action then its a hit for me
first of all i never thought it would be as good as it was coz horror ones are always shit but this just starts where rezzie evil left off!!! it looked like a pile of wank in the beginning but if you get into it and think about it its pretty kewl. i loved it, and whan we came out the pictures all i could say for half an hour was "how mad was that" and occasionally "but can you imagine if that really happened". see if your the same. anyone else seen it? not as good as ressie evil though
wasnt scary... sposed to be scariest thing in years?? thatpart with the raping and stuff was sick... where the fuck did all those bed sheets come from???! when they where kissin at the end he was coverd in blood so why didnt she die? :spangled: gud film, shite ending... imvvvvvho
as far as im concerned for the budget it had it was bloody good. It does make you think though, and if it doesnt then you must be rather narrow minded. people say is it scary? well, define scary! if you define scary as making you jump, then it will do this maybe once in the whole film. but if you define scary as making you think about stuff when you get home, as an after effect then yeah i suppose it is scary. lots of blood effects and stuff, and evil 'eye' scenes!!! *fabulous!!
got it in one fizz.... it makes u think.. plus whats quite scarey.. is this stuff can actualy happen... and maybe is to sum extent...:evil: