2004!!! my goodness me, arent these years just flying by kiddies!! although i actually thought this year seemed quite a long'un at least it was 4 me!!! i've had a class year, got a mint degree, started ma new job earning lotsa pennies, moved house, spend a lot of the summer in ibiza,got over ma evil ex-boyfriend, met a wonderful boy and fell in love!! what bout u lot, hows the year bin 4 u...?!?! hope u've all had a luurrverrly one!! (yes i am slightly bored hence me starting this thread but was thinking that someone usually does one at the end of each year but no1's done one yet so thought that that person cud be moi!! ) xxxxx
Been the shittest year of my life for me, i wish i knew what was coming so i could have dealt with it all better. Glad to see the back of it
been a very busy year for me, been pretty much non-stop since 02 for me, im very glad to have the time off completely this xmas
Been an eventful one, to say the least. It's had peaks and troughs really. Got a good job, made some good money. Eventually worked out what I wanted to do with my life so I left the good job and am now studying toward my ambition. Met some fantastic people and made some great friends. Started playing out regularly. Things could've been better with my relationship though, at least for the latter part of the year. That was only really down to my stupidity though, and I'm very pleased to say that everything is now back on the straight and narrow
started off as the worst year of my life with my fiancee leaving me and treating me like shit ,got my self well depressed on the brink of being a a alcholic, middle of year went throw some bad family shit but i had two of the best mates i could ask for in scotty and dee who pulled be out of it and helped me throw every thing and ive finished the year on the highest of highs got fucking realley good payed job got thunda of to a fucking fantastic start couldnt belive how many pepole comment on thunda @ promise on boxing day had randoms who i never met before saying they want to come on 30th and one of them saying he was there and he give maitland @ mini disc for me never mind had a good year all in all best end of a year eva not the worst of years roll on 2005
crashed my car broke up with my girlfriend of seven years Pretty crappy at the time, but its pushed me in some incredible directions with work, friends and family. As much as i spent most of this year on a downer......... I feel like 2005 is mine for the taking now.
Why, aren't we all a happy bunch! Yeah, 2004 sucked for me too. Jimmy, you've got a good right to be happy son! Theres a few of my mates who've had kids this year and i'm beginning to feel broody! I don't want to get old and be responsible though....
Not so bad a year, have done some pretty cool stuff... But then again, no matter what year ends, I'll always be wanting to do more.
it's been a good year, i've achieved alot in both my personal life and career -but there is still alot of room for improvement and so i'll be setting myself higher targets for next year
Highlights - Prauge New York Godskitchen Global Gathering Cancun Lived in the Mayan Jungle (Belize) for two months. Thats in central america by the way, I didnt know where untill I got there. Finally got that promotion I've been after. Bought a decent car. Lows - Got the sack, job in Maccy D's here i come.
Have had highs and lows....definately like spending the year on a see-saw But overall can't have been that bad. Met the lovely Slash and was pulled from the brink of retirement back into the world of clubbing. Due to this have been introduced to so many people and everybody is soooooo nice. Thanks guys DEfinatley feeling the love for 2005:inlove: Can't wait.
Remember that conversation we had along chillie rd that saturday morning, a couple of months ago? Well i got Compulsory Drugs Tested the minute i got off the coach from mexico when i got back to Belize. WTF that all about! I'm fighting my case at the moment, but looks like im gonna get my marching orders. They are trying to push it through now. Only thing is there is like 60 odd of us! The Sun is gonna have a field day. Oh, and just incase your any1's wondering, I'm innocent, I must have been spiked.
As long as my 2005 is the polor opposite of my 2004 i'll be happy. Can't wait til Friday night so I can write this year off and start afresh.