The mags could only score 2? with home advantage as well. Against such poor opposition that shows they will struggle this year. Ps. Viana is a fucking PANSY.
Half of us were shit, we had a blatant penalty turned down, you had a 12th man on ur side in the ref and we STILL won! U even had to resort to playing Niall Quinn, ffs! How shit can one team be!? Hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
He had the huge cock surgically removed from his forehead. He received bad news from the surgeons today though. It looks like its going to grown back.
Lee, u probably shud have had the pen and you did deserve to win!!! One thing tho, I have always respoected Newcastle fans for there passion until today, u were winning 2-0 in the derby and u still didn't get behind your team!!!! Personally, I think Reid shoudl be fired for playing 1 up front in a derby game!!! I have to give huge respect to all of the Sunderland fans at the match today, they supported the team alll the way through the game even tho we were shite!! Never before have I thought Reid should be fired but after today he has to go!
yeh the sunderland fans were loud before the game but 80SECONDS into the game n it was all over, i dont think i heard the scum singing much like?? all i cud hear was "ur jus a small town in durham, small town in durham" orrr "your so shite is unbelievable" orrrr "reidy must stay, reidy must stay, ohh ohh, ohh ohh" to be true newcastle werent even that good, and i dont think shay even had to make a save worse than a grass cutter from one of those lanky idiots quinny or flo looooooooooooooove it!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm, that could be it like cos we couldn't here very much singing from where we were! Our fans were first class, sang all the way through but u might not have been able to hear us from how far up we were!!! I don't think many fans left half way through cos we were locked in!!! I did see a load stand up and walk off tho, wonder where they went?!?!?!
Mick! Anth said he saw you on the highlights!!! He also said you werent looking your best! hehehehehehe Wonder why?
Hehe, hope none of my family see it!!! I didn't manage to get any sleep before the game, was fucking knackered, looked at myself in the mirror in a pub after the game and just thought "FUCK.....what a state!!!"
you could say that! It means he enjoys hardcoring the night away! but learns to regret it the next morning! DUH
Re: Re: 2-0!!! :d:d:d:d Shut it you... we'll beat u's 2 next time round We've turned the corner... SIR bob says so :groovy: