12" Wanted WANTED! These three tunes are desperately missing from my record box. Will someone please sell them to me King Of Clubs - Revelation (Airwave Mix) Tiesto - Urban Train (Cosmic Gate Mix) Way Out West - Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Mix) Will pay good money especially for King Of Clubs
You can sell it if you want Ken. I play trance and may want to play it in the future. Depends what he's offering of course
i would sell it but it cost me £7.99, so i ll probs keep it for time being not a tune i desperately want to get rid of.
Yeah has In my Memory on other side but you already know that. Bought Cosmic Gate/Whippenberg remixes while ago. Don't really play that any more... I'm after Way Out West - Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Mix) aswell!
I'll pay £10 for it (sorry revel ) Ive got urban train now bought it off Ebay Doggie I'll give you £10 plus pay for postage up here final offer for King Of Clubs. Im not paying more than £10 for a record only done that once when I paid £11 for Warrior