100 Reasons Why It's Great Up North Bit of an old link, but still worth a look imo: http://www.journallive.co.uk/north-...fm?objectid=14674336&method=full&siteid=50081 The only one I'd disagree with is probably 51
74) Choosing a gift to take home from The Biscuit Factory, the largest commercial art space in Europe. can't believe that's true
There are a few I was either surprised at or sceptical of. Have to remember it's four years old though I guess.
Number 9 is wrong too - buring palm and soya oil is not green due to the amount of rainforest cut down to grow the stuff!
Well, it sounds like it should be green, and that's about as much reserach the Journal does. Hence laughing at 51.
The rest of it has made me really homesick though. And this time in two weeks I will have left for good (ie finalised the sale on my house and shipped everything to London).
22) Chilling out in Sunderland - named among the coolest places in Britain by rock magazine New Musical Express.