100,000 new Swine Flu cases per day possible by Aug 09 Now thats what am talking about, some serious infection rates... fuck the nursurys whole citys could be getting the flu The UK health autority have confirmed this is a great possibilty by August
This phaseWas nothing more than a test run for another strain. In fact as far as a strain goes - THIS version was weak as piss and didn't kill anyone who wasn't already near deaths door. I had a virus last week, and got over it in 24 hours by completely hammering my body with vitamins, minerals and herbs. There's nothing to say it wasn't the hyped swine flu considering the number of people with it in London. But who knows. It's easily defeatable regardless. The more worrying thing is the fact that it could only have been made in a lab due to the specific gene fragments it contains.
did you hear about middle class mums having swine flu partys so their kids get infected now so they are immune to the death dose in the winter? madness
the winter is going to be the worst there pannicking were i work about the lost production from november its only the tip of the iceburg at the mo