Cool, methinks will have a look at the multisampling stuff. Cheers for the info :)
Fruity loops 4 any ideas on how use the keyboard type thing in fuity on own sound samples, i.e. a piano note of C, and using the fuity...
KAM ddx 680 / 700 for sale KAM ddx 680 and a 700 for sale, direct drive both the same turntable, just different number! Would sell...
01 Electrovoya - Whispers Def fav track at mo - proper trance!
Cheers all that came, was a good nite, will have to sort me mixin out for next time tho! Started the technics savings account... Spoke to...
Pretty sure you dont need one cos its a fri But allowed three guests on one card anyway Still havnt got mine an they never said owt yet...
lol no mate woudnt do that to ya! Might be thinking of Flat 6 - Its to late (think thats what its called) But sure you had other one. Ill...
lol sorry suppose it is a bit harsh! Just you reminded me of the tune, tell you what to make it up when i get hold of it its urs for £30 :D
Ive had that problem with mine, caused by beer bein spilled on em! Never knew they could spin as fast as it did, nearly took me hand off when...
Bloody Ash1 has it, already tried to get it of him tho, Ash if you see this still wanna keep it or are u ready to sell??!!
bastad just clicked on that an am at work. everyone looked!
with a please! Should work... :o)
ITWT board has anyone managed to join this board? Seems like loads of decent music on it, but when went to join you have to write e-mail to...
Just tried that - would of ignored the porn but work pc wont let me on site. Bastads! Anyway cheers for help :o)
Just tried that Wavelab program, looks well good. Dnt suppose you know where i can 'obtain' license codes for it??!! Small matter of $600...
cool thats fine. When tried indexer before didnt seem to split it up in the nero window, so never burnt it. But if it does tell cd player where...
Have found the thingy in nero, just that sometimes mainly on the first track to second it jumps. Thats fine just wondered if anyone had a...
Putting trackmarkings in CD's Does anyone know the best way to put trackmarkings on mp3 mixes? Tried using loads of things, but all either...
Mr sir Revel, dont suppose you got or know any1 wantin to sell Hydra - Affinity? Waitin list on websites is like 50 people an jst keeps...
An three drives, sunset in ibiza if still got it.
Separate names with a comma.