How are ticket sales doing? Are there many left?
I've been away for sometime from Newcastle but I hear Shindig is only on sporadically and now Habit is going! What's going on?? Is Newcastle...
No one has said what exactly happened yet! Anyone care to offer a brief explanation?
i was just more interested in which other night it was really
depends what excuse you believe. there are currently 3 doing the rounds, one from shepherd, the chronicle and roeder. shepherd's - The...
just been reading a report on the true faith website, this is defo 'line of the day': "Carr actually played some decent balls and looked...
there are still the odd gems there though i picked up a pair of vortex for £15 in the summer there were some decent air max there too but...
Maximo Park Tickets Anyone who wants some follow this link
prestos are wicked i've had mine (and still wear them) since 2002!
there's no way 16/17 year old are running around doing stuff like that and talking in that way. it would have been much more believable if it...
Re: Studying Abroad i've studied abroad what do you want to know?
he's down already tom> thatsounds decent that russian bar. we should venture over
do people still watch this?? not heard anyone bum it for a while so i just presumed everyone had eventually realised how bad it is.
any recommendations for one you would buy with my budget and requirements?
it's only a rented flat so i'm not guna fart on with ceiling brackets and the like. a tall shelf should be ok. the distance isn't more than...
i want to get one of these to watch the tv through aswell as watching movies and playing on pro evo with the ps2. is it possible to do all 3...
Re: Re: Re: Re: bramble :lol: straight over your head that one love!
he's right though. they're not good djs really. i don't see much difference between them and morillo
how's that funny? it's like you've been framed
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