well mine was to stop smokin ....again!! Im quite proud to say i lasted for a whole 5hrs or so!! lol
Wow!! Is he really a makum?? Aww that makes me soo proud!!! hehehe
Re: nye! Yeah john 00 was boring at first, he picked up a little bit afta a while, didnt take much notice of fergie as i was in coat q most of...
Was talkn to him in GK Leeds & he aint scary at all hehe!! Semmed quite canny!!
Class nite @ Godskitchen!! Wow! Wot a nite i had at GK Leeds!! But HOW hot was the insomniacz room, like a bloody sauna!!! Still, musnt...
Just been a bit of a blizzard here in Sunderland but its stopped now like!! Hope it aint snowing 2moz, dreading waiting in that que!!!!!
Aarrghh!! Scary!!! Whoeva it is?!
Godskitchen Leeds 2Morra Woooooo im sooo eggcited!!! Who else is goin?? Is any1 meetin up?? If so, let me know cos i like fings like that...
Awww & heres me thinkin i was gonna be famous!! LOL
I remember a few months ago in promise 2 blokes wiv a posh camera shoved an empty bottle of lucozade in me hand & took a pic of me posing wiv it...
R ya sure its not the vodka that bad for u? With all the cheap vodka i drink im sure it must be doin sum damage!!
The only bad thing about drinkin vodka redbulls is after holding it & tryn 2 dance on the dancefloor wiv it for 2 minutes its all ova the floor...
LOL, oh noo hope ya didnt have 2 wear them just to keep whoeva bought them happy??! Oh i got a massiv pair of gold charver earrings too, but i...
Yip that wud be nice!! It'd be a shame 4 it to go to waste!!
Cheerz!! Make sure its double vodka redbulls all nite pleeeese!!
My best prezzie has 2 be me huge Tigger teddy!!! Makes a change from borin clothes n perfume etc!! Worst prezzie was a blank CD off me auntie...
Aww i cant go 2nite cos off 2 Shindig 4 Sanchez 2mora instead. Wud normally do both fri & sat but cant afford it cos of this bloomin eggzpensive...
Yeah & ya just make a rite fool outta yaself wen ya get pist & start singin & dancin 2 those xmas songs!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
one word 4 cola chuppa chups = "ewwwwww"! Same goes for those sour ones wiv chewy in the middle, they sting me lips!! & the banana & choccy...
He he...Well wot the hell, its christmas!!! Oh i wish it cud be xmas evry day n all that!! (erm.....not) Enuff of those xmas songs...
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