That's nice.
Nah mate, you can't, unfortunately only the drive has been hacked yes you do after open up the case (which is a pieace of piss), you need to...
aye, has been knocking about a while, they've brought out an easier "safer" way though originally you had to inser 2 wires into a cable and...
shit, 2006 already Mario Kart, best racing game ever.
Anyone got an Xbox 360? it's been hacked, you can now play copied games, no need for a mod chip either! as good at securing their consoles as...
mine give me a monster headache if left in all day!
i defo would not miss you [IMG]
Re: Re: The be-spectacled... how do they fit em though? i bought a pair at boots for a stupid amount of money but they need to be fitted...
following suit i gather?
can't comprehend why anyone would give you 5k for anything other than wasting yourself!
The be-spectacled... How much you pay for your last pair of Specs?
whole bag of issues!
Re: Re: Re: Re: People who... it's not like i go round calling myself spike you muppet! get it?
you mean your 30 and living with your rents
Re: Re: People who... yeah but your names Marc i gather!
People who... introduce themselves with their msg board name no need.
you telling us you don't use it then?
not a fan of American Dad then.
Hmm, randomer?
GB is teh same as any drug, only dangerous in the wrong persons hands as for spikers, no need, why waste your money on other people?
Separate names with a comma.