innit, lashes is especially chav-tastic. its mainstream pish for the masses. should have been hardwick instead
i like it a bit faster than that:wink:
funny like 'lets mock the retarded kid' funny?
Re: Joke :lol: :lol:
yous would pick the peanuts out of shite:lol:
Re: Arrr God just as well
so is BOGEYE the spiv behind all this?
some of the old ones are alright if your ears are blocked up with wax
its bonk:down:
Re: Scissor Sister Tickets Are you going to wear you're Strap-on Dong, on the outside of your jeans, to the gig?
Re: Flu OK this is the flu test. If there was a £10 note blowing about in youre street right now, would you get up, go out and get it?
Re: AA membership give an example of how much is it officially compared to how much you can offer it for
noones bothered
Hell yeah, i think he did it to himself for attention
bollocks joe. i imagine youd probably taunt her by waving a wad of notes in her face, telling her how you could afford to buy her entire stock...
funny in a 'lets antagonise the homeless' sort of way?
I would rather shove my head up yo grandfathers butt!
She tastes even worse than she smells hew. her gummy blowjobs are the best in the world tho:p
Re: Myspace Google for Thomas Myspace Editor (it generates html codes to make a funky profile. take a picture of yourself at a strange angle...
Try the toothless apparition of a woman with the festering sores who sells the Big Issue outside of Legends Nightclub (she got moved on from...
Separate names with a comma.