i would of thought the fact that the parents were doctors would have been something more interesting to report in the paper as 'they should have...
lol if your a lady they are more likely to be in your bag, and another thing oasis, what if you drop ur ciggy on ur lap, try comparing that to...
if a child is going to get snatched that person will find anyway to take them, what about that child who got taken from her bath?? her parents...
and im sure if ur not a parent already when u are ul make mistakes, hopefully not to the extent of this one, but im sure the parents know what...
u must be very quick at getting a ciggy out or eating and drinking when ur driving, normally when i switch the heating on, window wipers on/ off,...
u are lame as fuck:lol:
lol improving the roads is soooo important, i mean look at the graveled conditions the roads are in, its shocking, i cant beleve ur sayin that...
i think all activities that take ur eyes off the road should be banned, i dont think people realise the damage they can do to themselves and...
it says something when you see people smoking while their driving, as if they are that desparate that they can't wait til they stop the car, or...
whats the point in posting replies saying that the parents should'nt of left the children alone, everyone should get down from their high horse...
the weekend what did everyone get up to then?:D
this is usually around the time your girlfriend turns round to you and says she is pregnant shouldn't have got so frisky at valentines :D
i totally agree with this, if the choice is there for kids they will be picky and fussy, yet if a meal is provided that everyone else is eating...
are u overweight or have u been? wud u ever shag a fat lass or lad?:lol:
theres really no holding back with you today! say how you feel day!:lol:
lol do u think people that are that obease will be able to have children anyway? i no girls stop having periods when they get to a certain weight,...
should the 8year old be put into care tho?
lol that is a good plan, however i see many flaws to it!
??? what do you mean by that?? :confused:
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