LISA LASHES alex k :D andy whitby chris charters :D
i work for orange at the silverlink, they recruiting now i think, you have to apply online
my love for hard house and especially l isa lashes started through her free mix mag summer bangers cd in about ...2004 if im correct
Re: Re: Re: wii fit :lol: i was feeling good about myself aswell lol
wii fit just bought the board to do exercises on for the wii, love it!! its says ive lost 5 lb from yesterday tho, has anyone else got one ,...
hearing darudes sandstorm for first time on one of my compilation albums :lol:
whenever i think of promise i think of foundation and other way round... to me foundation was promise, the dance floor bouncing , the glow...
whenever i think of promise i think of foundation and other way me foundation was promise, the dance floor bouncing , the glow sticks...
the attic? ? no where will replace foundation but at least they giving it a go it might be equally as good
there was hell on for the vengaboys, loads people got crushed it was that busy and 2 had to be carried out coz they had panic attacks,all the acts...
eee it was good night, not the best ive had there, the vengaboys take some beating, kelly llorena there next week ... woo hoo!! :lol: :angel3:
bank holiday plans? going to pink triangle then to powerhouse its open til 6am to see sash tonight play there woo hoo!!! :angel3: :lol:
im wanting 8 tickets for tonight , cant get them anywhere is there not a paying guestlist?
American Idol fiasco
yay!! throughly enjoyed the last one in the loft :D
Odour-free pants for men Pants for men that disguise the problems of flatulence have been designed in Leicester...
thank you :)
deffo :D
ha ha is there anywhere i suggested halfords but he just laughed? :lol:
pimp my ride my mate wants to pimp his car up with spoiler, wheel trims etc anyone know of anywhere decent in newcastle and surrounding areas?
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