My lass and her mates don't go to digi anymore cos of that and the amount of charvs there nowadays
It's alwys minging in digital now, disgusting smell
Quite a bit. I liked this at first but i'm sick of hearing it already
Awesome, thanks. I only started getting them from the Jay Haze one so I can get the rest now
It's just the standard free one that sky sent - netgear DG834GT I think - surprised how well it works.
I'm with sky BB and get the same speed wired but about 650k over the wireless
ps3 and 360elite are the way forwards - best of all worlds
if ou want to see someone mix it up, garnier plays allsorts in his 8 hour sets. proper legend
Some of the stuuf he produces is spot on - -reall good
Joseph Capriati -"MICROBIOTIK" (Massi DL rmx) Bit lively....
Can't wait for this tonight, should be class
Looks nice in the dark but doesn't really look that good in the light. It's built solidly - the platters are nice and heavy but the faders are...
I've got a griffin roadtrip if you want it for a tenner? plugs into your cigarette lighter and the ipod plugs straight in. Works perfectly...
I never listened to them cos tong had something to do with them...... Not that he probably did much anyways....
No worries, I had the same problems a while back - all the rarer old school tunes I had went on ebay no bother but most others just sat there....
sell them on discogs m8 - far better and you only pay a listing fee when they sell
I use an xponent controller with torq for djing. Works spot on. YouTube- DJmag M-Audio Torq Xponent Midi DJ Controller Review It works with...
trigger finger by m-audio is a pretty good cheap option - 4 faders, 8 dials an 8 pressure sensitive pads. Supports midi learn and is really...
That's what i like about it....
The original mix is miles better than the vonstroke one
Separate names with a comma.