Taking it easy, skint as.
By mocking the religion of the people who's land you are occuping? It's just totally out of order, he should be sacked. He is putting the lives...
Why do you hate Americans? Bit of a sweeping statement maybe?
It's just an insult being added to injury. It's one thing to kill a man, it's another to laugh while you do it. Take your point though.
What's funny about invading someone's country then mocking their religion from inside a heavily fortified base? It's just cuntish behaviour IMHO.
Don't you think that's a bit out of order?
It will be filled with Chavs. I hate Cream, worst night I've been to in Ibiza.
Operating nightclubs is a high risk investment but if you get it right the returns are huge. It is my opinion that Gatecrasher (most of the...
Re: Re: Gatecrasher One If it wasn't a sell out is was damn close. I left at about 11pm and it was almost full to capacity. They didn't give...
Thanks :)
Disco Inferno?
I went and had a look myself, It's only 5 mins walk from my flat. It's for real, the whole building is fucked.
Yeah, I'm not serious! :) The kid needs some serious social interaction and soon, all I can think of is Napoleon Dynamite.
Going to Bangkok, should be a quiet one. :D
I just want to hit this kid. http://www.ifilm.com/video/2862093 :redface: :lol:
Angry Pirate When a man is receiving head while standing and his partner on their knees. Just before he ejaculates in his partners mouth, he...
I thought you were on about... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Strawberry+Cheesecake
Battlestar Galactica passes the time.
Separate names with a comma.