aye, its in my blood being northern irish and all that:rolleyes: and for the record, im not amybaiting, im merely voicing my opinion and there...
looks like im gonna have to watch my mouth from now on...... it seems ive got a warning already for being nasty to other people on the message...
holy fuck, will you look at the state of me in that first pic im in.... you can tell ive been workin out loads! buffed up to the MAX:lol:
good man mick, you saviour:D
is there a tune by audiojack called 'robot' and its the opj remix? if so, is there anywhere i can get it? heard some guy play it last week and...
i cant just do that though michael.....seeing as how im getting a lovely new mix for free, i feel it is my duty to write a review. you'll thank...
yeeeeeooooooooo! thats it downloadin now matey:D once its finished and ive had a listen, i'll write up a 'free' review on here for you. i know...
nice one jambo mate, glad you like it:D jimi, do you reckon there'd be any chance you could email me a copy of that tune, i FOOKIN love...
oh. my. god. this guy joe quite clearly is a ballbeg with a capital B! i hate pricks like that, you always get them on message boards. it...
with regards to the grumpy people complaining about me not using pms, whats the big problem? surely thats what message boards are...
haha! thats exactly what i called him when i left him at tidy!:lol:
nice one bruvva! glad you like it! there will be more along the same lines sometime soon:D ive been dabbling in the house/electro side of music...
hes a lucky bastard, he's away to I Love Techno this weekend in Belgium...:o fucker!
construction is a good one to go into, always guaranteed plenty of work! im not too sure whats happenin in Jan, i never usually look that far...
aye well you have no excuse now big man! its just under a year away so thats plenty of time to save up and get the holidays booked!:p
yeah it is indeed! i'll just reply to ya in here cos im too lazy for the whole pm thing! im keepin pretty good actually, just workin real hard at...
pm back!
aye, he was stayin in my room at the thing! how do you know him? do i know you or have i met you? im confused!
mick, of course im going to go! doubt i'll be able to afford goin to the march weekender, but i'll be at the october one if it kills me! and if...
cheers mate:D
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