your really loving this are'nt you.. forgot about the bergan i had on my back which wayed a tone.. nice easy week this thank the lord...
had 4 a field then had a 17 walk which starterd at 6:30 Don't join the Royal Navy only kidding its a good laugh..
... .. .
feeling sorry for myself i did have blisters the size of golfballs on both feet after a 17k walk up and around Dartmoore to day, got back to base...
never seen him in years... actually never seen any1 in years...
any further forward to whos on then?
i have to were a beret every day....
shindig july listings? Any clues whos on on the 1st of July? Am only home 4 the weekend would really like to get things organised in advance...
lecture weapons drill exam lecture ironing shoe ploishing great eh..
nice one
cool. im gonna be a WAFU... Aircraft everyone feels safe now..:lol: well i better go an attend to my ironing.:mad:
gotta a 15 mile walk on saturday fully kitted up, missing the opening game of the world cup...... what were you in the services?
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yep it got better today. had mile and a half run....cock sports and more training and it was like 26degrees
what shouting at you when your arms feel like there goona drop off. well im gonna go and get beasted.
great eh. gonna go and get beasted at the gym now lol...
i can see £££ should be a few hundred quid in the back burner.
great. NOT Just had Divisions which a whole lot of standing around and getting bollocked, for not standing perfectly still for an hour....
Will a bank still have records of an account which was closed last year?
not much at all... "living the dream in the Royal Navy" aint had a beer in over 2 weeks :cry: :cry: :cry:
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